Happy New Year everyone. What an exciting end to 2017 we've had here at Hamibelle foods. The Carano Events Christmas Craft fair went down very well despite storm Caroline paying us a visit. The weather outside was indeed frightful but inside the atmosphere heated us up nicely especially thanks to Vintage Ruby who entertained us with her beautiful voice singing a wide range of festive songs.
The week before Christmas saw us at the BT Sport Christmas lunches. The market stall they provided was just the ticket and despite the staff being stuffed after a wonderful Christmas dinner they found just enough appetite to try and and buy some jars. The favourites were the Strawberry and Champagne Jam and the Orange & Whisky Marmalade followed into third place by the Mellow Apple & Tomato Chutney. 10% of the sales were given BT Sport's Christmas Tree Appeal.
So now that the hectic Christmas period is over... Its time to get back into the kitchen. The pots are waiting for me (I think they've felt neglected). This year feels especially exciting as I'm going to increase the number of jams on offer all with an added little something to brighten up your day. I'm looking forward to experimenting with lots of different flavours (mostly alcohol based), so if you have a favourite cocktail let me know and I'll see if I can turn it into a scrummy jam, marmalade or jelly.
The chutneys will continue; alongside the favourites Kashmir and Mellow Apple & Tomato, I'm going to ramp up the heat and create a couple that really pack a punch.
On top of all this Hamibelle Foods will be branching out into bespoke Wedding Favours. These will be smaller versions of our best sellers and where possible made to order jams and chutneys. All can be personalised and colour co-ordinated. Look out for the update on these over the coming weeks.
I'll also be popping up at the odd Craft fair and Classic Car show in Kent, I'll let you know where and when.
Here's wishing you all a very happy and successful 2018!